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Showing posts with the label tutorials



How I created my book trailer

Many of you may have noticed that I have a book trailer on Youtube for my book: The Damnation Plays. Well, there were several stages in producing the book trailer. Since my camera wasn’t working I decided to use stock images for my book trailer. There were several sites where you can get free stock videos such as: https:// videos However, I wanted something a bit more polished and I found the range of stock videos limited. I had a particular vision for my book trailer and none of the free stock videos sites provided these. On the other hand, I knew that I was on a limited budget so I wanted something that wasn’t too expensive. I couldn’t afford so I googled and looked for sites that offered quality stock videos for a reasonable price. One of the sites that I decided upon was https:// videohive .net/ . The price was attractive as each video clip worked...

Awesome Creative Book Cover Tutorial part 2

In this second part of the tutorial I will make some major adjustments to my source image. In my humble opinion only your imagination is the limit when making design works like this. One advice which is really important is to save your work regularly. I've had some major losses in the past when GIMP decided to act up and then shut down without saving my work. Imagine my horror to discover I've lost some great work and most importantly time which I'll never get back. On to the tutorial anyways. There's this interesting function called threshold in GIMP. At first I didn't see the point of this function but I've used it several times now and can't see why I didn't like it at first. It can be accessed by going to Colors> Apply Threshold. I had to thinker with the values in order to get the end result above but as you can see it gives an interesting image. I created a new layer underneath. I used the paintbucket tool to add a golden yellow colour to the ne...