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When there's so much to do and not enough hours in the day...

I have been slaving away at assignments from the course I am doing at the moment. It's not surprising then that my writing has taken a backseat. Funnily enough, the assignments has the same hand in date as another professional work I had to hand in. Hence, my hands have been full throughout the week. Furthermore, I have been working all throughout. All this has made me realise what a great thing good time management skills are. I try to plan my time but it is so easy to get distracted by browsing the internet or watching the latest film on TV. On the other hand, I can't wait till I finish everything and have some time for myself. My novel, the damnation Plays is taking shape now that I am on to the third draft. I can't wait for it to be proofread and finished - that will be sweet. The Sequel, the condemnation games is still in the process of being done. However, there had been some parts in which I've been stumbling and wondering which direction the novel is going to go...